RealCoderz with the vision “To build great teams for every enterprise” and mission “Empower leaders to hire, train, and retain top talent using AI” is an innovative talent intelligence platform built to create and manage talent pipelines for 100 companies and top consulting firms and more than 50 years of technology and product leadership experience in top firms. Ravi Singh is the founder and CEO of REALCODERZ and has been in the United States for quite some years and there he gained a bundle of experiences.

One of our clients referred us to them and eventually had a meeting. Their requirement was logo design. This project was among the most difficult and unique tasks we ever handled, it came with possession of a set of challenges as the client was specific about what he needed in the logo so we were not able to explore and imply our thoughts over the logo design. As per the founder and CEO’s name Ravi which means sun. The client wanted the logo to incorporate the sun and ‘R’ in the logo and he was very particular about it. As suggested by the client to inculcate the sun in the logo, the sun is very generic and has been used by many industries over the ages as their mark and this was a fearsome encounter as our motto is to create a unique brand identity and with this, we cannot stand true. It was way too difficult to convince Mr. Ravi Singh as he was insisting on keeping the sun and ‘R’ design in the logo. At last, he agreed to compromise with the letter ‘R’ but strongly opposed to compromise with the sun.  

We as a team assembled and initially, figured out this task was a strenuous job as an institute our approach has always been to set forth storytelling. Our bunch wanted something unique and solitary and to achieve this we prospected the technology, AI, and computer fields. In addition to this explored different computer languages and their structure. We found out that binary is the computer language. This clicked our mind and we opted to make the sun rays in binary i.e. “010101”. In the first instance, this task seemed to be a tricky one but respecting the basic process of brainstorming and research led to the blocking of our thought process. As per the requirements adhered to the client's needs and limited our thoughts to the sun and binary digits as rays.

As mentioned earlier, the task’s degree of difficulty and challenge was at the utmost but the results overpowered and we had a triumph over our task with an alluring impression. Completion of the logo designing process resulted in an overwhelming outcome. Our efforts were well-liked by us as well as by our client. The results were remarkably welcomed and the client was highly delighted and contented with the sun in the logo design. He was immensely pleased. From that time till now, they have been doing great in their field leading a noteworthy business, and are on the path to appreciable heights

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